2022 WTP-ML4A National Conference
The We the People-Math Literacy for All Alliance (WTP-ML4A) and the Algebra Project, Inc., are holding a July 28th, 29th & 30th, 2022, virtual planning and working conference celebrating and seeking to steward Bob Moses’ vision. With the engagement of the WTP-ML4A participants, allies, and the public, we are committed to building a country where everyone is fully literate in mathematics and every student is provided a rich, structured, and engaging opportunity to experience mathematics as a meaningful, joyful and creative human activity. Sessions will feature young people and teachers sharing their demands for resources that will allow them to be successful in teaching and learning mathematics. There will also be opportunities to showcase current and planned direct work with schools and districts and their collaborators in formal and informal learning settings.
You can register here and view the agenda and speakers here.
Below is a background statement on the conference. We encourage you to share it with your networks. (Click here to open the PDF in a new tab in order to download, print, or click hyperlinks.)
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