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2022 We The People Math Literacy for All Conference Call for Proposals


We the People Math Literacy for All Alliance in conjunction with The Algebra Project is excited to announce a virtual working conference scheduled for this July! Being held July 28th and 29th, we have formally opened up a Call for Proposals and encourage all interested to submit. Submissions are due April 7th.

The conference is multi-faceted, both designed to honor and explore Bob Moses’ legacy as well as output tangible work. We are looking for a wide-range of proposals including:

– Events and work that honors and advances Bob Moses’s legacy.

– Forums for young people and teachers to share their ideas and present their real demands for money, structures, and resources that will allow them to be successful in teaching and learning mathematics.

– Sessions designed by young people and teachers that demonstrate success and share useful practices that support math literacy.

– Highlights of practitioner-researcher collaborations currently in process in both informal and formal learning settings.

We are interested in workshops, interactive discussions, presentations and poster sessions. You can learn more and submit a proposal by following this link.

Call For Proposals_newBackground

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