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Remembering David Henderson, 2-23-1939 – 12-20-2018

Dear Friends of the Algebra Project – it is with great sadness that we share news of the unexpected passing of Dr. David W. Henderson yesterday, following being struck by a car in a pedestrian crosswalk on Wednesday, December 19.  David’s transformative work with the Algebra Project and the Alliance since 2005 infused experiential approaches to Geometry curriculum materials and professional development strategies. David was a world-renowned researcher of mathematics and mathematics education and loving family man.  His loss is incalculable; he will be sorely missed.  We will share updates as we learn more from the family.

Update: Read more about David Henderson’s life in this article published by Cornell Chronicle.

A memorial service is scheduled for February 23 at 11 a.m. in Anabel Taylor Hall at Cornell.

One comment on “Remembering David Henderson, 2-23-1939 – 12-20-2018”

  • Peggy Quinn says:

    David came to Lanier High School in Jackson, Mississippi to bring his geometry curriculum to our Algebra Project students between 2003 and 2010. He loved talking to our students to get their ideas about the work we were doing together. I never heard him raise his voice once in the time I knew him. He knew my interest in origami and spoke to me often about the beautiful geometric designs his wife Daina crocheted. He had a style and grace that I loved. He was a dear dear human being and his passing never fails to bring tears to my eyes. Rest In Peace David

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